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Ethio Edir  ኢትዮ እድር


እርዳታ / Donations

ኢትዮ እድርን በገንዘብ ለማጠናከርና ያልተጠበቁ የእድሩን የአገልግሎት ወጭዎችን ለመሸፈን እገዛ ያድርጉ።

ለድጋፍዎ በቅድሚያ እናመሰግናለን።

Make donations to support Ethio Edir and enable the Edir to cover higher than expected service expenses.

Thank you in advance for your donation.

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* Mandatory fields
*First Name
*Last Name
*Phone Number
*Email Address
*Amount ($USD)
*Donated / Paid for
If you are making membership fees on behalf of other Ethio Edir members, make sure to include the names of the members and the amount in the comment box.
Payment frequency
If you are making membership fees on behalf of other Ethio Edir members, make sure to include the names of the members and the amount in the comment box.

Ethio Edir is a 501(c)(12) non-profit organization. 

P.O. Box 22752 | Seattle, WA 98122; Email: contact@ethioedir.org | Tel. (206) 395 -8014

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